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Sep 28, 2009


i went through the same thing

I see Im not the only one :) I didnt get the stretch marks yet but the "big booty" comments? People just love to share....

hahahaahahhahahahahahaahhaha hahahahaha hahahaha! I experienced ALL types of these...strange...weirdos when I was pregnant with my son!!!

But wait...I had worse...the ones who are jealous that you haven't any stretchmarks on you yet and so they start telling you that your baby looks like it's going to come out waaaaaayyyyy underweight because you're not fat enough, so those thoughts haunt you and start making you eat a llloooootttt of candy bars and ice cream and anything to get fat....and then you see them again and you're so fat and they say "Oh my god, you're so fat, you're never going to lose all those stretchmarks." and so you look down at your tummy and see all those lines and go "wtf?" and then it's too late and they are happy and you end up with hideous stretchmarks for the rest of your life, after your very first child.

Have you had any of those yet?? Hopefully not!! I wouldn't wish those people upon my enemy!!!! Wait...they ARE my enemies...


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