I recently read in a literary magazine, "be careful what you blog". Point being? The article stated if you wish to be gainfully employed, you best be careful what you write about yourself. Someone may judge you. Oooooow.
I beg to differ. I find that honesty is the best policy in this case. In fact, If a future employer is Googling me right now, allow me to save you some time:
Here are 25 things you should know about me:
1. I got caught shoplifting.
2. I got caught underage drinking.
3. College made me gay for a night. Or two.
4. I dropped out of college, lied on all resumes for about ten years, and then finished my degree.
5. I have quit numerous jobs on a moments notice.
6. Im not afraid of a rejection letter.
7. I love animals more than I love people.
8. Im not a Democrat.
9. Im likely to fly off the handle.
10. I smoked pot.
11. I smoked pot while driving in my twenties.
12. I prefer the comradeship of men over the cattiness of women.
13. I don't conform for anyone.
14. My strong work ethic began at eleven years old.
15. If your 25 and still living at home, you're a p*ssy.
16. If you are a parent with a 25 year old living at home, you're an even bigger p*ssy.
17. I am a fan of pharmaceuticals.
18. If a militia's purpose is protecting the 2nd Amendment, then I should join one.
19. I will never join a cult.
20. The less government, the better.
21. Im an existentialist with an altruistic heart.